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what we offer

About Us

ERC Energy offers a turnkey solution for the supply and installation of a tailor-made solar system for your place. The solar system aims to meet your energy requirements while promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. Through the adoption of solar energy, you will experience substantial long-term cost savings and gain energy independence.
Hybrid system work

Our Vision

At ERC Energy, we envision a world where clean, green, and affordable energy is accessible to everyone. We strive to be at the forefront of the solar energy revolution, driving innovation and delivering cutting edge solar solutions that transform the way we generate and consume electricity.

Our Mission

At ERC Energy, our mission is to pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future by empowering individuals, businesses, and communities with accessible and innovative solar energy solutions. We are committed to harnessing the power of the sun to drive positive change and foster environmental responsibility, one solar panel at a time.

solar benifits
business solutions

Bringing Effective Green
Energy Solutions

James Donnan

Technical Director

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Amy Walker


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David Green

Construction Supervision

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